We are huge advocates for sun and skin protection and with good reason! The sun and its subsequent damaging effects is one of the leading caused for ageing. This makes protecting your skin is imperative for gorgeous, youthful and safe skin which is important not only during the warmer months but all year round!
Looking after your skin when it comes to the sun is a top priority, by forming good skin protection habits you do daily can help give you consistency and safeguard your skin for when you really need it.
A daily SPF is one of the surest way to look after your skin, even if you are spending most of the day inside or out of direct sunlight, UVB & UVA rays can still hit the skins surface as they penetrate glass.
Humans are creatures of habit so by applying sunscreen/SPF even if not directly needed you limit the risk of this step being missed when you need it most.
We recommend using a moisturiser with SPF our Dragon's Blood Radiance Daily Moisturiser with SPF15+ & Oxygen-C Brightening Daily Moisturiserwith SPF15+ while also layering an additional sunscreen when facing direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time like outdoor exercise, visiting the beach or sitting outdoors in a restaurant.
Weather you're sitting on the lounge in Autumn or sun bathing in Summer the sun is truly everywhere. As mentioned above, skin damaging sun rays can reach you through glass and reflect of surfaces. You might think driving for an hour during winter is safe but the sun is still hitting your skins surface through the windows and windshield.
This is not to say that all exposure is made equal and you definitely should not be frying your skin in Summer thinking it is the same as driving around in Winter as the sun is generally not as intense as it might be in the warmer months however, every time your skin is exposed to sun without protection harm can come to your skin.
Remember, over 60% of sun rays can easily pass through clouds.
We are not asking you to lock yourself in a dark room for life where the sun can't get you! simply be mindful and safeguard your skin by avoiding over exposure of unprotected skin. You still need vitamin D to keep your body happy and healthy!
When we say sun protection we are not just talking direct skin effects but also that of your body. Too many of us know the awful feeling of getting a little too much sun and not enough water during a day in the sun.
Heat exhaustion is more common during Summer however can still happen during other months. A good way to combat this is to keep hydrated all day everyday! Regular water consumption helps to keep your body safe from dehydration while also keeping your skin plump, firm and hydrated.
By staying hydrated you help reduce the impact of heat exhaustion on the body and protect yourself from the sun. In saying this water is not foolproof, hats, protective clothing and sunscreen ensure your body is in tip top sun protection mode.
Let us know in the comments below any of your helpful sun protection tips!